Monday, March 03, 2008

couldn't care less

if sumone ask me wat's going on in my homeland other than the upcoming election
i would be ""
i've stopped updating myself with wats happening in that homeland of mine

you see normally i read up The Star, NST n Berita Harian online every single day so dat i wouldn't be 'katak bawah tempurung' so to speak but since Pak Lah announce the dissolvement of Parliament and the ensuing GE, i just stop reading the papers
there's nothing to read except all the kempen-ing n bitching n ngutuk-ngutuk-ing between all the parties n oh yeah, how can i forget the sweet-sweet promises strewn all over n how 'my party is better than ur party' statement
*eyes rolling*
n how even the simplest of things all get twisted into the politics
uh, puh-leazeeeee

well, not being a big fan of politics i am coz i always thought dat politics is dirty but sometime back a friend point out that the politics itself is NOT dirty
it's the way the people plays it dat is dirty
kinda hard to see it dat way when the only politics u know is the dirty one
wat do u think?


Ariff Shazwan said...

itu laa pasal..
politik ntah hape2 la..
especially kat malaysia..
apa nak jadi ngan derang ni pun taktau laa

Anonymous said...

hehe..xtaula ape yg diorg pk.rasa unfair lak if baca from 1 side je. So, baca gakla opposition punye update like

CT DALILAH said...

arep: i know~

anonymous: same jer...pas kutuk bn, bn kutuk pas..pi mai pi mai tang tu jugak...

Anonymous said...

I agree. I rarely read Malaysian news in these past few days, regardless of which side they're from.

But then again, if you decide to read other news, they'll be talking about the US presidential elections, even though it's close to 9 months away.

Haih, what choice do I have?

CT DALILAH said...

hear hear~thank God i have all my medical books i should be reading now hehe seems like election fever is everywhere...3rh march is election day here in Alberta so go figure la...n we r so much closer to US so all on the new on TV was about their debates...aihhhhh~